Serena Silent
Carpet Extraction Machine for Professional Carpet Cleaning Serena-Silent is a particularly silent carpet extractor (60 decibel only!) with an excellent vacuum power, thanks to its three stages high-waterlift vacuum motor. Its high-waterlift vacuum system allows to recover the maximum quantity of dirt from carpet and to get a shortest drying time. Thanks to its quite running, this machine is recommended to clean hotels, offices, banks, and any other noise-sensitive area. Dedicated brackets allow to hang hoses and wand on the machine, to easily move the complete machine from site to site. It can be supplied with the instant hot water unit HT1800 and with the optional power brush wand (NS400BRUSH). If equipped with the patented SMARTKIT system, it is possible to perform automatic chemical dosing, carpet pre-spraying and rinsing. Main application fields: cleaning companies, hotels, restaurants, clubs, pubs, offices, banks, shops, cinemas, theatres, ferry boats, ships, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, universities. Made in Italy Features & Benefits
- Very silent working (60 decibels), that allows to use the machine with no discomfort for the worker and for other people. The machine can be used also during normal daily working time.
- High-waterlift technology allows incomparable dirt removal and shortest drying time: carpet can be dry in 1 hour!
- Carpet tool with aluminium vacuum head, practically indestructible.
- Special profile of the vacuum head, which allows to get the best suction even when the tool inclination changes.
- The height of the handle is adjustable, for greater ergonomics. The handle allows the worker to lift the tool and to press the vacuum head down on carpet with a very small effort.
- Spraying valve designed for avoiding any breaking.
- Tubes in stainless steel, strong and rustproof for the whole machine life.
- Quick disconnect spray nozzles, which can be removed by hand, without using any tool. The nozzles can be cleaned easily.
- It is possible to attach the optional instant hot water unit (HT1800) to the machine, in order to make the cleaning even more effective.
- Using the optional power-brush wand NS400BRUSH, it is possible to get excellent cleaning results, leaving carpet perfectly clean and dry in a single pass.
- With the optional SMARTKIT-EL, it is possible to perform automatic chemical dosing and carpet rinsing.
- Adding the pre-spray pipe and gun (PRESPRAY-EL) to the SMARTKIT-EL, it is also possible to pre-spray carpet before cleaning.
- With the optional vacuum tool NS270TURBODUST, it is possible to vacuum dust before cleaning, with the same machine.